Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Life is incredibly overwhelming. As I type this, I know I should be writing my essay for English due Thursday. I should be working on chemistry and studying my French. But I find myself drowning in work and not sure which way to turn. I sadly, cannot survive on small amounts of sleep. I also cannot fall asleep before midnight. Which results in sleeping til 8, sometimes 9 and leaving me rushing each morning. I work 3 sometimes 4 days a week and I have classes that take up my day 4 days a week. It leaves me exhausted, stretched to thin, unaccomplished, unprepared, unsocial, unfriendly, missing God, and so much more.
I miss being able to; read because I wanted to. Knit for no reason. Watch a movie in the evening. Sleep in some mornings. Talk to Matt. See my friends. and so.much.more.
Now my best friend is moving to New Hampshire, and I'm getting old, and life is flying by. I have so many goals and I haven't figured out how to motivate myself to do them just yet. I wish I could take a week off from school, and work. I could just catch up on my home duties and get myself completely put together. I dont feel like I have been "together" in a VERY long time.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my life. I love being busy and I tend to thrive in stressful situations. But I do miss things about my old life. I wish I could combine the two.
But now that I have rambled and made no sense I shall go. Attempt to write a paper and make it to bed by 1.....30. Prayers are appreciated.