Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Day Without Love ..... NOT

Ok well as I was sitting around checking my facebook this morning I noticed that a friend had posted a note about Calling in Gay. Heres What it Says.....

By. Reagan Hale
his wednesday, the lgbt (lesbian, gay, bi, transgender) community will call in to work- gay (instead of sick)...read this website, it's pretty short.. then see why i'm more bewildered than anything.. http://daywithoutagay.org/"A day without gays would be tragic because it would be a day without love."their whole goal that day is to supposedly "fight the H8 with love"... alot of this hate that they're coming up with is self-created. they are the ones labeling the rest of heterosexual america as those who don't know how to show compassion or possess sensitivity! i do care about the individual lives of those in the lgbt community, but that doesn't mean i have to accept their lifestyle! "If you live in one of the 30 states where individuals can still be fired simply for being gay or lesbian, there are still plenty of ways that you can lend a hand and a voice in our fight for gay equality--without missing work."this is just pretty bizarre thinking. hello.. they aren't firing you, because you are gay; they're firing you, because you skipped work. the sad thing is, the other 20 states won't even fire you for skipping work, because it will look like it's done out of hate for gay people. hmm.. ok.. again, i do not hate gays or any of the like. but their efforts to make a difference or make a statement or get their way never seem to collect the respect they were hoping. if all the moral issues were non-existent or overlooked for a second, and the lgbt community was viewed as maybe like a political party, i still would not support them.i don't understand how they think throwing away a day of work makes their group stronger in america. listen here. most americans value their job and many are praying for one right now. for them to "call in gay" to make some statement is like smacking the laid off workers in the face! ok maybe i'm reading way too into this... but it confuses me, upsets me, makes me wonder why..pretty sure if i called in straight, i would be without a job.

Check out the website. Its ridiculous. Its not that I hate Gay people but this is not right. I agree with what reagan has written here completely. just think about this.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

wow....thought provoking...