Friday, June 25, 2010

Praise You in this Storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth

My life recently has been a storm. But I'm learning to praise him in my storms.

Today driving home from Ravenswood I drove through the biggest storm I had seen in a long time. It was only me and Katie, and I'll admit. I was terrified. I knew our lives were in my hands....but I knew overall they were in God's hands. On the way home I started to pray harder than I have in quite a while. I was begging God to keep us safe. To get me to the next exit alive. To control the car and those around me. We ended up getting off an exit, and going down a road I didnt really know. But God stopped the rain while I was lost. He truly kept us safe today, and I'm incredibly thankful. Yes I hydroplaned a few times and came close to loosing control. But I was safe in His hands. I praised Him through that storm.

Now I'm ready to praise him through the storm I'm going through now:)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Fight like a Girl

Have you seen the fight like a girl shirts? They are for breast cancer and such. But you know i like it. Im going to fight like a girl in other ways.

I'm sure my last post could have shown signs of depression. I have plenty of things to be depressed about, and right now I feel awful so my hope didnt seem very strong. But then a friend texted me, asked how i was doing, made sure i was ok emotionally and wasn't having feelings of depression. I quickly replied with of course not! How could I with a great weekend coming up. My cousins rehearsal dinner and wedding 2 new dresses to wear and takings pictures with a $600 camera. This weekend will be a party and a half and i will have the time of my life. I in a way replied this, just to make her think I was ok. But after typing it out. I thought how in the world could i be depressed? If i just take it slowly and look at it one step at a time, and see how blessed I am with each passing day I truly think I can fight like a girl and beat this thing :).

So girls heres my challenge to you. Look at each day, each week, each month, and overall each year, at every blessing that comes your way. The things you get to do, the blessings that are bestowed on you, the people that come into your life, and everything that comes your way...dont forget to fight like a girl. Beat it:) Don't let the rude comment the girl made, or the guy that never calls you, or the things going on at home get you down. Fight Like a Girl :)


Monday, June 21, 2010

the little green monster

I have dealt with alot of emotions recently, but I think the one i want to write about now, is jealousy. I think its going to be good for me to talk this out. I know i deal with jealousy in many ways, but the one way that i have struggled the most recently is over something big. Something i have probably hindered things, because of my jealousy.
You see it all started probably around November 2008. My youth group did a points system to qualify for missions trips, and fun trips. I hadn't done very well and my youth pastor's wife told me I needed to bring my points up to 75%. I was at 50 something, in order to qualify for the missions trip to Italy that following summer. I didn't have long to raise my points MAJORLY. I worked incredibly hard over that probably next month. I worked memorizing verses doing extra things, doing everything at all possible. when the time came that it was over I was told I has 76.9%. I had qualified to go to Italy. I was going to Italy. I was beyond excited and couldnt stop talking about it. A few months later, we were told the trip to Italy needed to be canceled. Time passed and we ended up going to Leadership Camp for our missions trip, and I knew ok this is just preparing me for Italy next year! Well this year rolls around. I work HARD and again qualify for the trip. This time it was really happening. We were going to Italy. I got my stuff to get my passport. Went to meetings got incredibly excited with my bestfriend about the trip. Only to be informed, I would not be going to Italy. My mom didnt think it was a good idea for me to go.
As I type this, my best friend, youth pastor and others are in Grosseto, Italy. I am sitting in my bed in good ole West Virginia. I keep asking myself, and God, why arent I there? Why did this happen. I read my youth pastors blog posts and I try to feel good about it. But when i read it, i honestly just want to cry. I want to experience the Trevi Fountain and the Mamertine Prison. I hate that im not there. I want to. I have loved Italy for as long as i can remember. I want to be there. I have such serious feelings of jealousy i know its not right. I cant let go....i should be there. I should be experiencing it. in a few days my other best friend will leave for Moldova. why am i the only one stuck here? I want out. Im jealous of the experiences they have had. and will experience while im stuck jealous im jealous im jealous. but.....
I'm letting it go here. I'm going to pray for them on the remainder of the trip. I'm going to pray fervently for the Italy team and the Moldova team. It is my mission, and my calling.