Monday, December 29, 2008

New Years Goals.....

Its only a few days away folks.... It will soon Be 2009! Crazy... Right? Well around this time many people tend to start thinking about what there New Years Resolution will be. I'm not making a resolution this year. Yesterday in Sunday School P.B. was talking about how he doesn't either and he says that he makes goals. For example lets say your Yearly Goal is to lose 50 lbs. well for a monthly goal you could say that you need to lose 7 lbs. and then a weekly goal could be to go to the gym 2 times and then the daily goal would be eat healthier. You just need to make right decisions and you will meet you goal. So I will tell you my goals for the year!

* Eat Healthier
* Knit More
* Do daily Devo's
* Write in my journal at least 3 times a week.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Friends and Family

I hope everyone had a GREAT christmas!! mine was great!! I was able to spend time with family even though it was a hard christmas for us all! It was great and this year I didnt ask for anything so everything was a surprise so it was amazing! But probably one of the best parts of this Christmas actually happened a few weeks ago when Me my mom and My sis all went to the church and drove around delivering Baskets with food and toys to people :) it was the greatest feeling. The first house we went to the people I had never meet started hugging me and thanking me so much and I just almost started to cry! It was soo sweet and now I know that this is what christmas is about!

Now of course I dont mind the fun and presents or anything! I got a Dolce & Gabanna Purse that is WONDERFUL!! That is one nice bag! I also got this AMAZINGLY cool Eiffel Tower lamp for my room! its wonderful! I got lots of things I dont deserve that I dont need to spend countless time telling you about! But our family now has a Wii! Which is soo fun!

One of the presents I was most looking forward to is here now! and I'm oh so happy! Jake is here with his Girlfriend Nikki! I love having Jake here I only wish I could see him more! I'm not going to waste anymore of my time with him!
