Sunday, December 5, 2010


I felt the need to simplify, so I changed the template, it's not very pretty.

I feel like not talking for a week. I have been singing all week. Two concerts and lots of rehearsals do that to a person. But, CoraVoce is over for now, and for that I am thankful. My throat and voice needed a break.

Things are ending, and I couldn't be more excited. Next semester will consist of lots of French, Working, Math, and some skiing. :) couldn't be more excited.

I'm behind in school, but I have a LARGE course load, and I'm working part time. So it's understandable. I can't do it all.

I wasn't planning on this being an update, but for now it's what it is. I'm excited for endings. but for now, a project due tuesday. and then sleep.


It's late, and I'm ready for bed. Which is a good thing, rest is very,very good these days. With the weather it makes me want to stay in bed all day, last night i crashed before setting my alarm. oops:)

oh well. im falling asleep. tomorrow...or this week. maybe i will write.